Friday, November 30, 2007

new parenthood

Today baby jayden's umbilical cord was dropped when my mother bathed him. Actually, he seem disliked to have bathing every mornings. Cannot guess why. Then my hubby put umbilical cord inot red packet and placed it baby's clothes drawer.

After given birth baby jayden, I suddenly felt so much different and so many things to learn how to look after baby and else many. It will be my new lessons to learn soon, probably next week after my incision is fully recovered abit.

Actually I am quite nervous and have to be extra careful when handling jayden as he is so energetic baby who likes to make his body movement much. But he makes me love him even more than I love myself.

So far, my hubby managed to learn how to carry him, feed him and change his nappies. Really proud of him. He likes to "disturb" baby jayden to wake up and play with him after his few hours busy working. I know that he loves baby jayden as he is his precious one.

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