Wednesday, November 28, 2007

1st week check-up

Today my hubby drove me and my mother who carried baby to MEH for check-up and had two appointments within one day. First one was to baby's clinic at MEH level 11 and everything was fine for baby jayden. Doctor gave me thumb-up finally. ;)) Then we went to gynae clinic level 10 for my incision and post-pregnancy check-up. I finally lose 6.6kg within the first week after given birth him. Still wanted to lose somemore weight back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I gotta to be patient with it, ya.

Then for incision, I was quite surprise that no pain when the string taken out from incision. Only feeling little itches somewhere on incision area on my abdomen and was told to take care of it.

I took out the newborn blue romper for him to wear and it fits him pretty well. I simply started to love his little soft hair style just like "beckham's hair". Very spikery heehee.. I bought blue romper last August 07 and it was a biggest damage only $8.90, retial price was $15 something at takashiaya.

Yesterday, baby jayden was a week old and he is getting alittle naughty and make so much noises. hehehe....

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