Tuesday, November 13, 2007

waiting for my d-day

hmhm...trying to say that it is not kinda of impatience or frustration. I am more like into so many mixture of expressions to show such as exciting, or emotional, or anxious or so on and cannot explain my own feeling towards it.

I do actually felt that 40 weeks being a pregnant is too long, exhausting and torture for women even it is such a joy & sweet memory & experiences. Guess different women have different experiences.

I am trying not to tense or scare myself too much but will be face big challenge with delivery process soon and hoping not to have any pain-relief. Been told my hubby that I have the biggest faith in my gynae doctor to handle the entire delivery to ensure that it is smooth sailing to bring my little baby out into this beautiful world.

Aware that most common emotion women experience at this late stage of pregnancy are impatience that they are waiting for D-day to arrive and frustration because there is no way of knowing when it will occur. By now, many women feel quite desperate to reach the end of their pregnancy, however enjoyable it has been. haha... think i sound like kinda of desperate one,ya.

Labour represents an enormous emotional and physical challenge and I suspect that many of you will be viewing it with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, since it is almost impossible to predict exactly how it will proceed and how your body will respond. As several women commented by saying that it is easier to train for marathon than for labour.

Therefore, I am actually looking forward to this new challenge soon. hope time flies very... faster than I am dreaming or waiting so long enough ;)) xoxo.......

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