Monday, December 31, 2007

last day of 2007

Could not believe that the year of 2007 (365 days) gone so quickly and just 5 mins left to welcome the new year of 2008. And I have became a young mother to my baby J and my new responsiblities have piled up each day.

Was relieved that my 9-10 months pregnancy was over and never forget my long hours pain at delivery suite the day before Baby J arrived. Probably would not write my sharing of my pregnancy journal and did not to be long-winded blogging here.

At least I am extremely glad that baby J is still healthy, growing well and become more hyperactive and naughty at his youngest age barely 6 weeks only. Before hit the 1st Jan 2008, I had the last milk to feed him before he went sleep so me and hubby wished him happy new year with tiny kiss on J's forehead. Baby J finally smiled at us.

Surprised that my parents and my nephew came to my home and I was ended up of being wrapped with cling transparent wraps to slim down my waist and hip. Only could take it out after 4 hours but at between this time, I was eating spicy crabs together with them to have early new year dinner just 5 hours away to 1st Jan 08.

After 4 hours, the first round result was quite effective and to my impressive that my side waist and hip has toned down abit and abit. I really hope after the few rounds result will be successful.

The malay woman was very patient and professional and I love her friendly smile and warmth feeling. She said I still have some water retention inside me and I said ya...still desperately to get back my normal weight and figure too. She will come back again for the next 2nd session on this coming wednesday 2nd Jan 2008.

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