Monday, December 03, 2007

confinement traditional

Yesterday my mother made this chicken plus dom wine soup for washing my womb and clean up my uterus inside. Her kinda of confinement traditional still exists till now. Amazingg....
But it was very bitter and strongly smell of dom wine taste when drank the soup after eating the 3 small pieces of chicken.

Even my mother knows that I desperately wanted to go back to my normal pre-pregnanacy weight 58-60kg and size of jean I wore last time.

After 12 days, I finally washed my hair with very hot water mixed with ginger and white rice vinegar wine together and also had hot bathe too. Before that, my hair was super oily and itchy but try not to complain this and that lah. Just want to follow my mother's sayings. I good girl okie.. :P At least got bathe with ginger and hot water everyday, not wash hair lah.

After given birth and during my confinement period, I quite got sweating too and have difficulty sleep at night.... Now trying my best to get more sleep and rest at same time - what doctor said. Quite tough on me but no choice....bear with it and 2 weeks will be over soon in no time....

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