Monday, December 31, 2007

last day of 2007

Could not believe that the year of 2007 (365 days) gone so quickly and just 5 mins left to welcome the new year of 2008. And I have became a young mother to my baby J and my new responsiblities have piled up each day.

Was relieved that my 9-10 months pregnancy was over and never forget my long hours pain at delivery suite the day before Baby J arrived. Probably would not write my sharing of my pregnancy journal and did not to be long-winded blogging here.

At least I am extremely glad that baby J is still healthy, growing well and become more hyperactive and naughty at his youngest age barely 6 weeks only. Before hit the 1st Jan 2008, I had the last milk to feed him before he went sleep so me and hubby wished him happy new year with tiny kiss on J's forehead. Baby J finally smiled at us.

Surprised that my parents and my nephew came to my home and I was ended up of being wrapped with cling transparent wraps to slim down my waist and hip. Only could take it out after 4 hours but at between this time, I was eating spicy crabs together with them to have early new year dinner just 5 hours away to 1st Jan 08.

After 4 hours, the first round result was quite effective and to my impressive that my side waist and hip has toned down abit and abit. I really hope after the few rounds result will be successful.

The malay woman was very patient and professional and I love her friendly smile and warmth feeling. She said I still have some water retention inside me and I said ya...still desperately to get back my normal weight and figure too. She will come back again for the next 2nd session on this coming wednesday 2nd Jan 2008.

Friday, December 28, 2007

stay awakening

Since my mother had left my home after baby J's full-month celebration, I took my turn to look after him 24/7 everyday and dont know that it is extremely tedious to me. Even I did not take good rest or sleep because of my baby irregular clock that he wakes up after midnight or 4++am or 7++ am for feeding times. I always change his diaper earlier at night before he goes bed so that after midnight save my time changing diapers.

I have become almost a zombie and keep walking up and down to check on him everytimes if he is fine or not or many things. But feeding time is the most tiring job and have to feed him milk every 2-3 hours from 3-4 hours as he had grown well that doctor said to me today.

That is why I turn to this kinda of brewed coffee to drink to keep me stay alert and wont make me sleep at daylight. But after drank this for few days, I seem have addicted to it already. Now I am adjusting myself to cut down to 3 times a week, not everyday as it is not very good healthy for me.

To my biggest surprise that baby J had grown well & healthy after barely 5 weeks and his weight is 4.7kg from 1st-2nd weeks of his weight only 3.6kg. Big gap difference by 1.1kg. No wonder he is so heavy when I carry him on my arm. Had him for jab today and my heartpain to see him crying so painful.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

best christmas memory

Just had a chance spot the giant teddy bear christmas tree at Conrad Centennial Singapore hotel where we had dinner together on 24th December 2007. Really want to have one teddy bear from this for my dear Baby J, am i so greedy? hehe... This teddy bear looks sooooo cuteee.

The day before we went to conrad, I already knew that my hubby would buy another same branded product but different types. Because I recongised the same wrapping and ribbon that was the same color gift as christmas pressie last year.

Last year, I had this branded SK-II white small box from him for my christmas pressie.

Now this year, he bought the biggest and heaviest and most expensive SK-II red box for me as he knew that my current products soon finish after a year using it.

Already told him not to buy this too expensive products for me but never expected he did it.

The products such as facial treatment essence, signs treatment, cleansing lotion, whitening mask and else I still using for almost a year.
This year will be my 2nd to use new products soon.

I bought a authentic burberry summer men perfume for my hubby as its scent is really very prefectly light and nice scent, not too strong like hugo boss or gucci rush that I bought for him last time. now I changed the perfume to light scent for him even better. It costs me about 3 figures in SG dollars okie. But still, it worth buy as it is the latest and last stock on shelf somemore.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Conrad Oscar's

Supposed to attend my uncle roger's home party at Toa Payoh for pre-xmas dinner gathering but my hubby wanted to have private dinner with me alone at Conrad entennial Singapore - Oscar's today. He seldom put me in a spot and I did not know what to say to my uncle roger so to show my sincere apologise by buying him a xmas pressie in end. And also we put our baby J under my mother's care for 5 hours.

Actually it was my first time dine-in at the most expensive buffet at this hotel and the food there was extremely superior, just more than an excellent rating. Somemore I realised that it was not cheap to have dinner at Oscar's but it was a worth to have nice dinner there on xmas eve.

Alot of chef people were busy either cooking or serving people on buffet counter and they put their huge smile at the guests. Really impressive of this service.

Er.. forget its name of drink but I waited for it to become less cold then I drank all. I just had ended my confinement period by 4 days ago so could not drink cold. Only I drank was warm plain water.

Fantastic huge honey roasted chicken and turkey and ham at a row buffet counter.

real fresh & raw salmon, tofu bean, raw fungus mushroom, salmon sushi and other raw desserts.

2nd round: fresh oyester (I had no chance to eat and could not eat cold raw seafood ones.)
My mother warned me not to, okie.
Other plate: all cooked food such as broocli, honey roasted turkey, spaghetti and curry prawns.

cute chocolate cartoon decorations but it can be eaten. did not manage to try it.
Only saw some people eating it happily, especially the kids haha....

Ice-cream buffet counter with alot of beautiful & creative decorations with different toppings and chocolate cakes and else.

Ice-cream buffet counter with few toppings to choose by yourselves.

Christmas cakes buffet counter near ice-cream one.
Could not stop myself from eating those as it was not the same taste you had at any cake shop.
Very temptation to eat everything.

Cooked different foods such as curry prawn, fried rice, spaghetti, chicken, curry fish and else many.

Japanese buffet counter

raw seafood counter and I could not eat them, so sad.

real lobester soup with loaf of bread and butter

Ice-cream with waffle that I miss dearly and finally to eat it.
Got waffle self-made at ice-cream counter.

Other desserts such as mango or raseberry or strawberry and many.

My hubby and I brought this tiny bear home as it was for dine-in guests.

It is even better to have super nice dinner on xmas eve or christmas day or pre-xmas because you have chance to eat roasted honey turkey there. But it is quite expensive to have dinner there. I fainted when I saw the receipt that did not know it costs SGD$108 +++ per person.

Overall rating dine-in at Oscar's was 100% excellent and you should try eat there and the waitress all are very super attentive and friendly.
My hubby loves it much and will go there for dinner in our next visit.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

one mth old celebration

My hubby's boss Vincent wanted to hold a celebration for Baby J as he loves him (baby J) much. He is Baby J's god-father and invited his co-colleagues and friends over at his condo. not only him, Baby J has many god-fathers,mah. Even everybody loves Baby J much.

Unfortunately, I was unable to take much photos on today because baby J was making so much noise and cried at his condo home. Eventually I had to feed him milk or water and changed his diapers few times. Hardly had times to take photos and poor my hubby was exhausted carrying him all the time. But we had great fun and had a good dinner cooked by vincent and his loving wife.

Man Utd fans (B and Vincent) and little new man utd baby J were happy to see MU won 2-1 Everton.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

amara element

Today we went to Amara Singapore Hotel to have dinner at element to celebrate our friend's birthday. Actually we supposed to have Japanese buffet at M hotel but never expected that it was closed and personally booked for private function party by other. What was unlucky day, sigh? So we walked to Amara instead.

Then we fear that element restaurant might be fully booked last minutes so my hubby took his last chance to ask the staff whether could have table available if we did not manage to book it. After fifteen minutes talk, finall we got table and had dinner there.

Took few pictures and let it do talking more easier for you to see. :))

This first head counter is cold food like salad, japanese sushi and others.

This food counter which was in front: variety of cooked foods such as turkey, spaghetti, veggy and else.

We sat near wine display corner. Baby J was extremely good boy and slept well when there was a christmas song surround him. At least he did not make noise by crying in restaurant.
Actually, I nearly had no confident in bringing him out and wanted to put him under my mother's care for few hours, let say about 5 - 6 hours. But in end, I changed my mind and tried my best to look after him,ya.

See the wine display with words of A to Z and it was not for sale or not for drink mah.

Element (name) of the restaurant & cafe at Amara.

Guess you must be very surprise that cod fish is really very huge and thickness in my eyes. I never seen it before in my whole life.
But it tastes very delicious and very expensive fish.

Finally got to eat raw salmon after 10 months pregnancy.
Love spaghetti much and the japanese fried prawn and turkey meat.

Third round eating to fill up my stomach. :))

BBQ seafood cooked by chef after chose items.

Cake dessert really made me drooling and ate almost every different cakes.

Overall rating at Amara Singapore - Element is really excellent and best recommendation for dine in at night only.
Buffet dine-in (night) = only SGD$ 38 +++
Not so expensive and nice ambience to have dinner with one you love. Should give it a try,ya.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

baby J's full-month celebration

Finally was that baby J turned one month old and he had grown abit heavier and chubbier. He had given us so much happiness and joy that we never had this before. Was grateful to God for giving us a beautiful baby like him.

For traditional reason, my mother told me and my hubby to bring Baby J out for walk before heading to hair salon to cut hair and put it into red packet for good luck and else. I just followed her instruction fully. Baby J was well-behaved at salon and did not make so much noise or cry when the hairstylist cut and trim his tiny light hair. Proud of baby J. :))

He is the one next of Man United player, Cristiano Ronaldo whose hair simiar style to him. Baby J's hair is naturally soft and spikey like this after trimmed abit. He looks great in this hair style hehe...

Those nonya kueh cakes which we ordered from Bengawan Solo but for the buffet decoration was done by us. It was just a simple and relaxing hi-tea buffet that our friends love it much. So we did not want to have lunch buffet that bored them totally. Surprised ???
The kueh cakes arrived in the early morning about 1000am to 1030am so we got time to prepare them by placing them on different plates. It took us about one hour to finish everything prefectly.

Six different cakes : Ondeh-onded, corn kueh, lapis saga, chiffon pandan, salat and bugis.

Three different cakes: soon kueh, dadar and binka ubi.

Drink either hot or cold provided. Still the guests like it much as it was little raining today.

Baby J hugged red packet under his right arm while sleeping. He always like to cover his eyes with his hands. Dont know why he is like this, yet it was a cute sleeping expression.
Really love his little chubby cheek abit and abit.

Every guests were so busy carrying Baby J or taking every photos of him till Baby J was so tired and made so much noise to get my attention by sayang him to sleep.
He was really loved by everybody.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

full-month pre-preparation

A day away to full-month old celebration for my baby J and times fly very quickly and even my eyes blinked constantly. Finally no more confinement period and I was happy that I finally can bathe after a month confinement torturous period.

And we prepare things a day earlier and the choz boxes arrived today noon and it all managed to squeeze into a tall & big fridge, to keep the cakes cold freshly hehe...

The box is nicely color decoration presented with the name of my baby J and us that printed on orange small label at right bottom corner of the box.

This CHOZ is highly recommendation by local artists and others and it found in every either baby or motherhood magazines that I happened to see it. That was why I chose this CHOZ for my Baby J's full-month celebration. Somemore, it is home-made quality and no preservation added.

Was preparing to make orchid arrangement decoration for to display on the table. After decorated four single cup orchid arrangement, I put them all in fridge to keep it till tomorrow. So that the orchid wont turn brown or wither fast.

Monday, December 17, 2007

donut factory

Recalled to remember that I had the last donut at Novean Square with my hubby just 3 weeks before I born my baby J. Now my hubby bought double chocolate and strawberry with white chocolate again for me to try abit. Permission already granted from my mother, hehe..... I shared 2 donuts with my mother. She began to like the double chocolate better.

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