Monday, October 08, 2007

free and easy


Guess you have watched this show before earlier than me. my hubby bought this dvd for me to watch repeatedly as much as I want so no need to pay $7.50 once to watch in cinema.
This show was extremely funny and the actors of Fann and Gurmit had done well in their roles of switching bodies. Especially Fann whom I admired her courage when she was doing bathroom scene part. Really think that it was the tough job for Fann to act as "uncouth blue-collar of gurmit body" and Gurmit was great actor in this role so far.

Overall, still it is the best local movie I ever watched, compared to his previous local movies such as I Not stupid, Home Run, The Best Bet and many....


This show was the most funniest and best comedy and I surely want to recommend you to watch this. It never stop you laughing till it ends. But I do not remember if this show had featured in cinema before or not. Even cannot rant my brain to recall it.

The actor Shawn who wanted to start family but unfortunately was that his wife (Kerry) was not prepared for it due to her promotion that required her commitment on her work totally. Then Shawn was shocked to see the short-statured & baby-faced troddler (Marlon) left outside his home. Actually this little man Marlon was a thief who stole the big diamond jewel from shop and in end he put it into Kerry's chloe bag. That was why Marlon had to act as an abandoned baby in order to retrieve the big diamond jewel back. Unlucky that Kerry found it when Marlon was having bad business in toilet after he swallowed it inside him. Till in end, Shawn knew that Marlon was wanted criminal for break-in a jewellery store by upon a chance through newspaper and news broadcast. Still, he chose to protect him and asked him to surrend big diamond to police.

Overall, really good recommendation to watch this comedy and sure you like it.


It is Korean show. It aims at "communicationg to teenagers the dangers of pregnancy?" and just like the sex education to teach students at high school. I really dont quite like to watch it as it was very ridiculous show. But the entire show was so-so.

The whole story in this show was quite common and nowsdays for girls in singapore too. Both Jenny and Juno were only 16 years old and still in high-school and unfortunately was that they did something wrong. Juno was stressed and worried of how to break news to his own parents because Jenny got pregnant so young. In fact, they both loved each other very much and wanted to keep baby as baby was very innocent. In twist & turn, their parents objected them totally and sent Jenny to very far away and Juno unable to see her.

Till Juno worked too hard for baby's well-being and expenses at all and was too determine to find her and wanted to get married before baby was born. In end, it touched their parents and they decided to look after baby for them.


Anonymous said...

jenny & juno - never heard actually. where you got it from?

~ cAtHeRiNe ~ said...

me too.. borrowed it from my friend :))