Tuesday, October 16, 2007

xin wang kovan

Before that, he had eaten the best food at HK cafe at siglap road with his AC friends not long ago. I could not join them as it was already SUPER LATE at about 11.30pm - 12.00am and this cafe closes its business operation at 2.00am. Not bad, ya. He told me to try there (siglap) next time and also mentioned about butter pineapple po lo pao which I never try before. I am food lover who loves to try different new & interesting foods.

Then today I told my hubby that I wanted to have dinner at HK cafe at siglap road. He said ok with smile as he could read my mind well. But unfortunately was that there was a little raining and heavy traffic flow (probably little jam) as only one road down there. Also it might delayed the timing. He was alert enough to know. So he chose not to go there and drove us to hougang instead. So sad :(( And he said that at siglap road, there will be difficult to park there at peak hours between 7.00pm to 9.30pm, unless we go there after 11.30pm that will be less parking. whoa so late, alamak. No wonder that he left his car outside my home and his AC friend came to bring him to HK cafe at siglap road last time.

I ordered cold barley for me and my hubby - ying yong ice drink, something like more mixed of coffee and tea together. Took a slip taste of this and never had this taste before.

We also like to eat cheese baked rice, short form is CBR.

My favourite black pepper beef - CBR. Super crispy & soft enough to chew into your mouth.

My hubby's all the time favourite pork chop - CBR.

Finally I got this chance to eat this butter pineapple po lo pao and asked him to eat pineapple that I disliked. Then I cut it to half piece for both of us to eat together. Not bad and I asked him if at HK cafe (siglap road) selling po lo pao exactly the same taste as this one here. Still stumped alittle, guess must be taste difference.

After that, we ordered one more butter pineapple po lo pao and one condensed milk and peanut butter thick toast to bring home to eat lah. *forget to take photo of thick toast.*

Well, I would say that it was great pleasuring to have dinner at HK cafe when there was a drizzling rainy outside. Food overall rating was good and price was pretty reasonable and affordable.

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