Tuesday, October 23, 2007

dome category

Today, we went to Novean Sq then walked to United Sq to take a look at baby stuffs and educational thingy there. We are not kisau new parents-to-be, okay. Just want to roam around and see what shops there selling what things and etc. Then saw many working people carrying munchy donut bags and I told my hubby that I wanted to eat one donut to try.

Found munchy donut stall at cold storage basement, United Sq and saw so many different types of donuts to choose. Asked my hubby whether we should buy 6 pcs - $6.50. He said better not and just buy one donut can already. I know he scared if donuts turned out not what we thought because some of our friends said munchy donuts is so-so. To play safe,lah. We rather not buy 6 pcs first unless we try it.

After afew mintues to choose one donut and in end we decided to order thos SO-FRUTTI that is fruity yoghurt glaz. We both shared this single donut and surprised that it was great delicious and worth $1.20. It has full white cream inside and the yogurt is strongly sweet to melt on our taste. Not bad.

Who says that one is not enough....... Actually one is enough for 2 persons..... :))

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