Friday, October 05, 2007

red chocoal pot

Today was just a happening to me but it really upset & scare me quite abit when I saw this red chocoal pot hanging on pole hole supporter outside the window. See the grey cardboard that owner can be auntie busy flapping the fire. At least she should have some consideration or have brain to think of the safety of people who walking.

It is very very SUPER dangerous and what if she accidentally knocks the chocoal pot down to the ground or the chocoal may lose its balance on pole hole supporter...then it may either knock the people heads or cars. She should have done it at outside the corridor, not this way.

The red chocoal pot was at 5th floor of HDB flat. Shame on her for not being considerate enough.

For picture A - if the chocoal falls down and the 4th floor with blue bedsheet may get fire.

For picture B - spotted the man who walked past and the chocoal is not very light, you know. Gravity pulls chocoal down on ground very fast at few seconds and it can hit his head.

I had alert my hubby about this and we got to be very careful to look out above the windows when walking pass or we rather to use other ways to walk pass with no windows above.


Anonymous said...

saw yr blog via other blogger...
the entry u posted shd enlight to HDB if you r concern about people safety ones.

~ cAtHeRiNe ~ said...

hmhm... is it trouble to bring it up tp HDB.. hehe...