Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baby Care Gift Pack

Went to see gynae yesterday with my hubby and he was too excited to know what & how baby doing inside me. Then had ultra scan and we were surprised to see baby so good boy and sleeping sweetly. Baby prince was in the similar sleeping position as my hubby - (like lying his head on arm while left arm is on other side.) Hubby started to laugh and smile at doctor after hearing that baby is very healthy & active.

After collected my medicine and the staff gave me this baby care gift pack and blue baby bag. I am going to use this bag to pack baby stuff for my delivery soon in November 2007.

Opened the pink bag and alot of useful booklets about baby and pregnancy thingy. Also got sample of Dumex Mamil Pregnancy milk and Huggies Diapers. I not sure which brand of diaper shall I use for my baby.

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