Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New taste of Kiwifruit

Used to hate eating green of Kiwifruit that has very sour taste despite it's good fruit which can prevent from having infection or else. Till my mother found the sweeter kiwifruit with yellow inside and asked me to try it. Till now my dear and I still eating them regularly.

I found this article from The Newpaper last month and proved it is good fruit and highly recommended. For health sake, try it. Available at NTUC or any supermarkets and cost only $3.95 for 5 pieces.


Little Miss Snooze said...

Hi, I saw that you linked to my blog :)

Congrats on your little prince too.

I prefer yellow kiwi, compared to the green kiwi :)

~ cAtHeRiNe ~ said...

Hi little miss snooze

Yeah I tagged your link in my blog.

hehe..congrat to you too.

You allow to travel in yr current pregnancy.. cool.. :))