Thursday, July 05, 2007

How much I hate Dengue

This is where my family stays... It is at Yishun Ring Road, okie. But those plants are not belong to my mother as she does not own plant pot outside the corridor or at home. The next few doors neighbour owns too many plant pots at her corridor and plus the main corridor which is near the window and door of my mother's home.

It has been already 4 years and the woman still plant another new plant pot and never change water regularly and leave all the dead leaves lie everywhere near our door. I admit it was very frustrating for my mother to see dead leaves then sweep them to other sides.

Because of those horror plant pots, my mother, young nephew and niece have fever and flu everytimes and took long time to recover itself. My brother had a bad inflected fever. Poor my niece only 16months and got a huge mosquitoe bit red spot on her below leg. Still my mother never complained about this and been waiting for the plants to be removed clearly or less the number of plant pots at corridor.

Never know or expect of dengue development may happen sometimes and I began to worry about my family safety. Dengue is far worse more than SARS.

When I visited my mother's home and after few hours, suddenly I got 6 huge mosquitoe bits red spot on my upper arm and my back and shoulder.

Lucky I had my blood test at gynae clinic and said I am fine. After that, my hubby started to buy alot of mosquite spray, repels & liquid mosquite for my home in east area. He said I cannot afford to get this in my pregnancy state. I started to be very careful now.

I really hope that dengue disappears in no time and people in singapore should not be too ignorant for this big issue which is more important and mainly concern to their own families too.

Taken few photos outside the corridor and look at the numerous of plant pots near my family home door. Only the woman owner cleaned her pots which is near her door, that is unfair. How I wish the Environment Officer come and check those and give her some warning?

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