Saturday, July 07, 2007

Korea new fashion style

Are not they look pretty in their designed clothes? I browsed and found those many thousands of Korea new style clothes at website. They cannot be compared to those clothes designed such as in Hong Kong or Taiwan. More likely, I am quite attracted to every pieces of Korea clothes more than Taiwan ones.

Korea clothes are more sophisticated & creative & interesting pieces designed that are suitable to any women even no matter if they are for teen girls or mature women. Hard to explain, unless you come to korea website to see yourself then you will feel so much difference from HK or TW clothes. No wonder local sellers dont dare to import afew korea designed pieces back to SG to sell here. Too expensive for one piece but to me, even if it is too pricey, this piece is worth to buy and can last wear for long time as designed cant be found smiliar in SG or Taiwan or HK.

Really dont like those clothes in Taiwan as the designed clothes and model wearing too "cuteeee" or "too young" or "common patterns" and even suitable for all young SG teenagers wore them the same style. No way for women to wear like this.

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