Thursday, January 10, 2008

fun baby's animal

Today my hubby went to expo to attend his GE 100th Anniversary Celebration with thousands insurance successful people there. Then he told me that GE announced that either this year or next year probably going to South Africa and most of them stand up clapping happily. Only he was left alone being blur and wondered why they so excited to go to this country. Then he sms-ed me to ask if I want to go South Africa or not.

Guess what I said to him...... I sms-ed saying that I dont really like this country because of wild animals and not well-versed of this South Africa. He said good explore to travel there till I made it very clear was that I dont really like to visit wild animals if it is the one country you mentioned. Phew!~!..... I cannot say the reason why...

In end after his event then he bought a flash cards & dvd set from shop and showed it to me. It is all about fun learning of baby's animals. I said ah...not again..why choose animals?

Well, I can say it is never too late or early for babies to learn this. It is my hubby's new kiasu to teach baby jayden this one.

This is flash cards with different animals with names for babies or troddlers to see. Great interactive learning tool for babies and troddlers actually. So we are going to give it a try to show it to baby J to see if he responds / reacts or not. It costs only SGD $16.90 included flash cards and DVD. not bad one. :))

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