Thursday, January 17, 2008

demand of love letters

Those 3 days from last monday to yesterday wednesday, I went to my mother's home to help out making CNY love letters goodies and at same time, I was looking after my baby J. Really tough and tedious on me and I have to bear with it abit longer.

Also bought her a egg roll toaster from court outlet in order to finish up making love letters quicky before the end of January 2008. I have tried her secret skill of making love letters with less sugar and more coconuts and eggs. Taste and eating it is enough to melt in my mouth and my tongue is not too sensitive to sugar. Healthy choice for less sugar for this love letters goodies.

With 2 toasters, managed to finish up to 8 small containers within 3 half hours. Good enough.

Still alot of big and small containers stuck at the store room and my mother is still making love letters. Hopefully she can finish them in no time soon as she has many orders from our relatives and friends and former colleagues and blah.....

Yesterday I brought Baby J back home so that my mother will have more times on making them to meet her deadline.

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