Monday, October 29, 2007

hmhm....just to say

Today I went to MEH for my gynae appointment with my hubby and lucky we were first persons to come earlier at 1.45pm and our appoint time was at 2pm. We did not want to wait longer for our turns lah.

Surprised that the kind nurse staff there showed me the room type and charges at MEH for my d-day there. Seeing the prices compared so much different from other magazines, for eg: staff said
A) 2 days - $2,200 (natural delivery) for 2-bedded room or $2,700 (natural delivery) for single room.
B) 2 days - $2,200 + $350 (for epidural) for 2-bedded room or $2,700 + $350 (for epidural) for single room.

Before we asked nurse staff about this, for other magazines wrote the different price of room type & charges, mentioned 2 days - $4300 +++ for either natural delivery or epidural for single or 2-bedded room.

When seeing this sometimes and also asked my hubby about this, we were nearly puzzled till we decided to ask our gynae doc regards this. He said the prices of MEH at magazine is not accurate and some had not updated.

We know that staying at MEH is very expensive but highly recommendation by our friend and my hubby's cousin. Lucky, we got a special package delivery price from our doc because of my cousin-in-law recommended him to us when I was just 3-4 weeks pregnant.

After scan on my baby, he assured me that baby will come out anytime from 1st November onwards. I said oh really with smile. Next talking about delivery pain-relief, doc said I look strong enough to withstand the pain to have baby out by natural birth instead of epidural. When I heard this, I really could not say anything as I do not know what kind of pain looks like during birth process.

My hubby said I can make it without any pain-relief as I am marathon runner and experienced the pain injury before. I said not really... in fact my looks can be little deceiving and probably I maybe little weak at this time. Nobody can tells lor. After given sometimes to make decision, I told him that I will decide on oxygen breather when the time of d-day comes.

Look at my mother, she never had pain-relief when she born me and eventually she said she had to bear the painful throughout the delivery process that she nearly could not take it but successful but worth experience. No wonder there is a strong bond between me and my mother.

Well, all i do pray for God to guide me and give me strength to bring my baby out safety to this world soon. I am excited to look forward to welcome him with my open arm to hug. hehe.....

We had virtual tour to MEH delivery suite, single and 2-bedded rooms and baby room, everything looks very pleasant and good service. at delivery suite, nurse there is nice enough to give us short brief and tell us what to do when d-day comes. Then at level 4, the nurse guided us to take a short look at single and 2-bedded rooms. Actually both rooms are fine and prefect nice and clean and quiet. Guess it will be more than pleasant staying there :))

Sunday, October 28, 2007

double gulit-free indulge

carrot homemade cake from coffee bean & tea outlet.

Just happen to think of eating this cake when I was reading some books. Then I immediately got changed and bought 2 pieces of cake straightaway to bring back home to eat myself. Think it is a kinda little selfish and greedy of me. xoxo.. hehe.... :((

Actually this piece of cake was very addicting to me and wanted to eat somemore but 2 pieces enough for me. After that, I stopped eating it in order to watch my preg weight & diet till my d-day ends,ya. Used to love eating cheesecake from there but lost taste of it. Dont know why like this.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

NY inspired runway wardrobe

sweet biggest thanks to my friend found them for me. When I saw those pictures, I simply could not take off my eyes on them and really appreciate their NY designed collection, especially the coloring legging matching with oversized style top such as chloe, maxmara and missoni. I dont know which collection all those clothes started.

How I really wish to have trip to new york to attend fashion events to catch every latest fashion collections. To my personal wardrobe, I only love oversized clothes with interesting patterns together with my skinny jean or legging or gap short, just like nicole richies. Not only me, everybody loves nicole richies and her style clothes altogether.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

kagome napolitan

my hubby did cooking of japan spaghetti for dinner yesterday. He is far better cooker than me, such as western food or spaghetti or other dishes. He learns cooking from his beloved grandmother when he was young. Especially the beef meat that I cannot cook it well. That is why I prefer my hubby to do cooking spaghetti when it comes with beef meat. He once cooked beef tomatoes spaghetti for my mother, bro and sis last 2-3 years ago and they loved his spaghetti cooking.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

dome category

Today, we went to Novean Sq then walked to United Sq to take a look at baby stuffs and educational thingy there. We are not kisau new parents-to-be, okay. Just want to roam around and see what shops there selling what things and etc. Then saw many working people carrying munchy donut bags and I told my hubby that I wanted to eat one donut to try.

Found munchy donut stall at cold storage basement, United Sq and saw so many different types of donuts to choose. Asked my hubby whether we should buy 6 pcs - $6.50. He said better not and just buy one donut can already. I know he scared if donuts turned out not what we thought because some of our friends said munchy donuts is so-so. To play safe,lah. We rather not buy 6 pcs first unless we try it.

After afew mintues to choose one donut and in end we decided to order thos SO-FRUTTI that is fruity yoghurt glaz. We both shared this single donut and surprised that it was great delicious and worth $1.20. It has full white cream inside and the yogurt is strongly sweet to melt on our taste. Not bad.

Who says that one is not enough....... Actually one is enough for 2 persons..... :))

Sunday, October 21, 2007

prata at thohirah

This morning, my hubby and I had a prata breakfast at thohirah restaurant at Jalan Kayu despite of the weather sooooo hot. Actually I wanted to have ice-cream prata but in end I changed my mind, probably after I birth my little baby boy next month. Lucky it was not too crowded there.

He asked me if I wanted to eat paper thosai, I shaked my head, saying dun want lah. I said no taste. Lucky was that we did not order this thosai as we saw the next table, the aunt ordered thosai and it turned out so big roll folded and looked like about 15-17cm. Haha....her sons looked blur when looking at it and she broke it into half to eat.

same drink we ordered : teh tikim (not sure if it is correct word).

1 prata with cheese and 3 pratas with eggs.

my another craving to eat this cheese prata - only one piece for myself. Very soft and crispy..delicious enough to melt in your taste.

nice color brownish prata only the best at Jalan Kayu.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

love those style prints

Ebay auction is really full of interesting and wicked fashion styles with many thousands designs various clothes online. Especially bittersweet is the one of best seller in ebay. She is such a fantastic & interesting & creative person who can creates clothes into be loved by women who adore style prints. Cannot get enough eyes of them. Unfortunately, I failed to win those watchlist tops I want as they were placed bids by other buyers till the closing timing. In end, I lost lor.

my crazy favourite black color outfit with some sparkling print like floral on it.

i loveeeee pink color to suit my fair skin. And can wear it to match with my skinny jean after my baby birth next month.

the print is very appealing, yet lovely one on blue entire outfit. I only like the top which is U-necked with arm flare style to look more like a tunic one.

this top is such a eye-catching and very sophisticated style that I really wanted to win it by bidding it but did not make it. the print is very bright and mixed of sparkling floral colors together is prefect on baby blue top.
you are women too.. surely you will adore it very much just like me.

such so sweet and feminine style flare top with less white prints. I like the arm sleeve flare with interesting details.

actually I once saw this tunic top before at FEP (far east plaza) a few months ago and it was exact the same style designed one I saw in the shop - 2nd level. It costs SGD $39.90, if i not wrong and I did not buy it there. But the material is very thick and more like bohemian style. Small sew prints on arm sleeve but after few times washing it, the thread may come out anytime. Hard to maintain it well for long time in wardrobe, i reckon. Color outfit is very pretty indeed.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

xin wang kovan

Before that, he had eaten the best food at HK cafe at siglap road with his AC friends not long ago. I could not join them as it was already SUPER LATE at about 11.30pm - 12.00am and this cafe closes its business operation at 2.00am. Not bad, ya. He told me to try there (siglap) next time and also mentioned about butter pineapple po lo pao which I never try before. I am food lover who loves to try different new & interesting foods.

Then today I told my hubby that I wanted to have dinner at HK cafe at siglap road. He said ok with smile as he could read my mind well. But unfortunately was that there was a little raining and heavy traffic flow (probably little jam) as only one road down there. Also it might delayed the timing. He was alert enough to know. So he chose not to go there and drove us to hougang instead. So sad :(( And he said that at siglap road, there will be difficult to park there at peak hours between 7.00pm to 9.30pm, unless we go there after 11.30pm that will be less parking. whoa so late, alamak. No wonder that he left his car outside my home and his AC friend came to bring him to HK cafe at siglap road last time.

I ordered cold barley for me and my hubby - ying yong ice drink, something like more mixed of coffee and tea together. Took a slip taste of this and never had this taste before.

We also like to eat cheese baked rice, short form is CBR.

My favourite black pepper beef - CBR. Super crispy & soft enough to chew into your mouth.

My hubby's all the time favourite pork chop - CBR.

Finally I got this chance to eat this butter pineapple po lo pao and asked him to eat pineapple that I disliked. Then I cut it to half piece for both of us to eat together. Not bad and I asked him if at HK cafe (siglap road) selling po lo pao exactly the same taste as this one here. Still stumped alittle, guess must be taste difference.

After that, we ordered one more butter pineapple po lo pao and one condensed milk and peanut butter thick toast to bring home to eat lah. *forget to take photo of thick toast.*

Well, I would say that it was great pleasuring to have dinner at HK cafe when there was a drizzling rainy outside. Food overall rating was good and price was pretty reasonable and affordable.

Monday, October 15, 2007

plaid mad bag

This designed bag was the last collection - summer & spring 07 where I found through previous Her World magazine. It is branded LV bag. Where got people dare to carry this designed checkered bag with red and white strip together. Simply I dont deserve to have this kinda of designed bag which dont suit to local girls.

Dont think local women will like this bag. Guess it was another crazy & silly bag just like the previous popular bag with words "I am not plastics bag." I noticed some girls carried this bags lor.

Does this bag look like the one that mainlanders usually carry big and tall bags ? It showed in drama or movie sometimes back then. Obvious lah..

Sunday, October 14, 2007

what happens to kiwi

I bought the better ORGANIC yellow kiwi from NTUC last 2 months ago. Till now, no sign of yellow and green kiwi selling in NTUC so long and really no idea what is going on. I really love to eat kiwi and seem cannot find either NTUC or Cold Storage or other fruit shops to see if got kiwi selling or not. In end I eat other fruits instead such as fuji apples, strawberry, banana, organic pear and dragonfruit.

Friday, October 12, 2007

legging craze

Anyone of you still wearing legging till now ? Fashion of legging never stop now and still selling everywhere. I even still wearing maternity black legging till now. Before pregnancy, once had one opaque black legging but the material is very very thinnest one and easily tear like a paper. Got it from auction so decided to buy new thick & cotton lycra legging from topshop finally. It costs me at $33 and wear it since March 2007. Used to have three leggings and all were black but got alot flurry after wore often. Worth buying legging that can be wear many times as we like.

Many girls and women have their own individual tastes on legging, such as few like strip legging and others go for either black or blue or other colors leggings. I still prefer totally black plain legging. Even Nicole Richie at 2nd picture, wore it too. Still, I say that fashion never ENDLESS.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

another love and fried noodle

Ingredient of fried noodle:
about 100grams of fresh prawns, broccoils, celery, eggs and bee hoon noodle.

Not sooooooo difficult to cook this one and it was my first time attempt to prepare this dish. Taken this photo was about 3 - 4 weeks ago and forgot to blog this earlier. It was the almost similar one as fried rice that I posted previously. No idea why I still like celery and broccoils to add in either fried noodle or rice.

Therefore those weeks of October I am not cooking and it will add more worries for my hubby because I am now in the final journey of pregnancy that means about 3 - 4 weeks times baby will arrives... Really cannot wait and still too excited to welcome him to this world.

Despite of my hubby's busy work schedule, he still comes home and help cooking dinner : fish and more veggy for us only. He wants baby to have chubby and healthy baby, just like him. Yeah like father like son. :))

Monday, October 08, 2007

free and easy


Guess you have watched this show before earlier than me. my hubby bought this dvd for me to watch repeatedly as much as I want so no need to pay $7.50 once to watch in cinema.
This show was extremely funny and the actors of Fann and Gurmit had done well in their roles of switching bodies. Especially Fann whom I admired her courage when she was doing bathroom scene part. Really think that it was the tough job for Fann to act as "uncouth blue-collar of gurmit body" and Gurmit was great actor in this role so far.

Overall, still it is the best local movie I ever watched, compared to his previous local movies such as I Not stupid, Home Run, The Best Bet and many....


This show was the most funniest and best comedy and I surely want to recommend you to watch this. It never stop you laughing till it ends. But I do not remember if this show had featured in cinema before or not. Even cannot rant my brain to recall it.

The actor Shawn who wanted to start family but unfortunately was that his wife (Kerry) was not prepared for it due to her promotion that required her commitment on her work totally. Then Shawn was shocked to see the short-statured & baby-faced troddler (Marlon) left outside his home. Actually this little man Marlon was a thief who stole the big diamond jewel from shop and in end he put it into Kerry's chloe bag. That was why Marlon had to act as an abandoned baby in order to retrieve the big diamond jewel back. Unlucky that Kerry found it when Marlon was having bad business in toilet after he swallowed it inside him. Till in end, Shawn knew that Marlon was wanted criminal for break-in a jewellery store by upon a chance through newspaper and news broadcast. Still, he chose to protect him and asked him to surrend big diamond to police.

Overall, really good recommendation to watch this comedy and sure you like it.


It is Korean show. It aims at "communicationg to teenagers the dangers of pregnancy?" and just like the sex education to teach students at high school. I really dont quite like to watch it as it was very ridiculous show. But the entire show was so-so.

The whole story in this show was quite common and nowsdays for girls in singapore too. Both Jenny and Juno were only 16 years old and still in high-school and unfortunately was that they did something wrong. Juno was stressed and worried of how to break news to his own parents because Jenny got pregnant so young. In fact, they both loved each other very much and wanted to keep baby as baby was very innocent. In twist & turn, their parents objected them totally and sent Jenny to very far away and Juno unable to see her.

Till Juno worked too hard for baby's well-being and expenses at all and was too determine to find her and wanted to get married before baby was born. In end, it touched their parents and they decided to look after baby for them.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

sunshine breakfast

Today, we had a breakfast together at Hans restaurant and after that, we went to kiddy palace shop to buy newborn baby girl gifts for my hubby's friends. It is not the first time, quite alot of many times within 10 months now. Our circle friends about more than 15 friends' wives also already given birth babies earlier this year and I am about the last person to give birth baby in November lor.

This set my hubby ordered and he created it in this way. So cute breakfast and he said our coming son may like this kinda of kid breakfast soon. I said maybe.

My focaccia delight breakfast came with cheese, cumumber, ham, tomotae and coleslaw together in one set like this. hmhm, not bad one.

Friday, October 05, 2007

red chocoal pot

Today was just a happening to me but it really upset & scare me quite abit when I saw this red chocoal pot hanging on pole hole supporter outside the window. See the grey cardboard that owner can be auntie busy flapping the fire. At least she should have some consideration or have brain to think of the safety of people who walking.

It is very very SUPER dangerous and what if she accidentally knocks the chocoal pot down to the ground or the chocoal may lose its balance on pole hole supporter...then it may either knock the people heads or cars. She should have done it at outside the corridor, not this way.

The red chocoal pot was at 5th floor of HDB flat. Shame on her for not being considerate enough.

For picture A - if the chocoal falls down and the 4th floor with blue bedsheet may get fire.

For picture B - spotted the man who walked past and the chocoal is not very light, you know. Gravity pulls chocoal down on ground very fast at few seconds and it can hit his head.

I had alert my hubby about this and we got to be very careful to look out above the windows when walking pass or we rather to use other ways to walk pass with no windows above.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

craze about oversized tee

Biggest thanks to my friend, J who found this oversized tee Craze photo from new york fashion website recently and she knows that I am lover of various designed of oversized tee...pretty truly crazy about them in my heart. Just a more than my personal wishlist to add in my wardrobe. Unfortunately was that I was unable to place order as it was featured in previous summer & spring collection or out of stock something like this. So sad... gonna to miss those interesting & craze tees.

My little personal taste is always wear oversized tee either long or mild long, together with either legging or short. Very damn cool cotton and trendy plus great comfort I do love much. SG does not have four seasons. I do have fewest oversized tops with me more than six months and refused to sell it away. They are my favourite ones. Cannot bear to part them lah.

Dont know how she managed to get the beautiful fashionable pictures from. Uncertain what brand of those 2 oversized dresses. I have been trying to hunt the local spree organzier or search the similar dress that may selling in shops at such as Heeren or Suntect City or The Edge or FEP. None is found either way.

The right side of dress has been attracted me long already and wanted very much to get it. I like mixed colors such as pink, yellow, red and grey to make it very sophisticated style enough to exhibit on the whole white dress. It makes my day very much and suit on my fair skin, ya.

*if you happen to found the similar designed like those 2 pictures above, please do come & knock me. Really appreciate very very you much, hehe.... another big thanks to you hahaha...... *

Monday, October 01, 2007

what i'd grabbed

Today I went to NTUC to shop something there and saw the first and last magazine - Mother & Baby on rank and immediately bought it straight. This magazine is really very useful to me and learn many things about baby stuffs and else.

Another surprise story that changed the world of modern mummies with kids, compared to the old times. Last time, my mother never had this chance just like blogging about life and kids stuffs and interaction with other mummies to make new friends. Somemore, got alot of comfortable communications such as SMS-es, emails, internet and blogging nowsdays, mostly for the modern mummies. So much interesting and alot of experienced mothers will share issues or what with others. I may say that they are far luckier than my mother and other mothers with kids of between 1970 - 1990 something.

Convinced me enough already as before I discovered that many young & mature mummies with kids have their own blogs. Actually I never knew that it was another story............

At least, we should thank to our mothers for bringing us up properly and they are more experienced in many ways such as making herbs, looking after our babies and else.... Sure we understand how our mothers' feeling when they born us. Guess it is not bad either.