Friday, June 15, 2007

Pregnant women are beautiful....

When is a woman at her most beautiful?

If you are having vivid images of women stepping out of the shower in the mornings or lying on a beach in string bikinis, you need a cold shower.

If you bother to open your eyes and look beyond the clothes, you will realise that a woman is at her most beautiful when she is pregnant.

Now, before you accuse someone of having a fetish for bulging tummies, allow him/her to elaborate and explain that even medical science is on him/her side of the fence.

The facts: pregnant women have

Due to an increase in blood, pregnancy produces a natural glow that no amount of makeup can provide for. Basically, this is a time when she radiates pure warmth and happiness.

Forget about expensive shampoos or conditioners. Hair usually looks more full and lururiant from the second trimester as pregnancy hormones reduce hair loss.

This is a time when girls grow up to be women and women blossom into Pamela Andersons. Overnight, his wife's washboard bosom suddenly fills up an extra cup size or two and she now has a cleavage. Even if she wears a long, flowing dress, men will still notice the new look.

Now you know why most fathers with expectant wives walk around with a big grin on their face.

Seriously though, someone do not think that there is a need for an expectant woman to dress any lesser if she wants to appear beautiful or to be the centre of attraction.

The reason someone is bringing this up is an unpleasant experience he had last weekend.

A woman walking down Orchard Road was pregnant and shaped like a baby whale.

Yet, that did not stop her from dressing up in a tight midriff - baring top and a mirco miniskirt that looked as if it had arrived straight from Tina Turner's wardrobe.

Jaws dropped and traffic slowed to a standstill from Wisma Atria to Takashimaya as this skimpily-clad lady waddled obliviously down the road.

Trust him (someone), it was certainly not a pretty sight. Sure, a woman wants to look sexy and desirable at any stage in her life, whether she is young or old, single or married. But when you are pregnant, please either have the decency to dress like the becoming mother that you are about to be or stay at home.

*After reading this story from someone who had encountered this incident to make me wonder who is that silly woman anyhow wear so indecent even she is pregnant herself. At least, she should wear something proper to cover her tummy to lessen the attraction from people. Or else people can be very sensitive. *

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