Friday, February 16, 2007

Towards to CNY days

One day more to go before the first day of Chinese New Year festival. Times fly very fast like crazy. Actually I want this festival to come very slow or over faster. When I was young, I was extremely excitied and super crazy about having long days to celebrate CNY just to avoid going to school (primary and secondary schools). But now I am already grown-up and changed its feeling towards this festival. I started to hate of celebrating those CNY festival when I entered working life after my graduation with business studies.
When I went to NTUC outlet to buy stuffs, I was very shocked to see full house crowd and difficult for me to squeeze in to get stuffs. WHY? See - many families need rush to buy foods, CNY goodies and else which lasts them for 3 - 5 days to have. I started to sick of this already and long waiting to queue up to pay for stuffs. It happened to me the same for the past 4 years till now.
I also do not like to go to my relatives houses or travel to many places to visit. So tiring and sweating.... no happening... All I do is just greet "happy new year" by shaking hands and smile then drink orange and eat goodies and watch television and chat.... all the same from young till now. Admitted to say is very boring festivals to me and I rather to stay at home to watch dvds or go play sports or go overseas for short holiday.
Anyway, wish you all a Happy Lunar New Year and hope you all will receive more red packets, ya.

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