Sunday, February 25, 2007

Korea Fashion 60s and 70s

After went for 10km running at Bedok Reservoir and we (my dear and me) decided head to bedok for dinner, before that I saw a rental shop with a few latest korean drama. So I tried my luck to go in and saw so many korean dramas or movies.....
Could not decided which title of koreans I choose to watch at home..
After browsed every korean titles and chose this Fashion 70s drama with 10 dvds of 2 boxes. I am just a fashion freak to myself, ya.
Guess how much is the rental for this only ???
SGD $20.00 given 2-3 weeks to watch this... whoa.....
I do find it quite expensive to rental this and this will be my last rental and will never come to this shop again after watched this drama. Bloodly hell expensive.
The story of fashion 70s is not bad and alot of sad and happy parts...very quite hours show.. still my butt ached... Actually the first part was average ok till the central and the ending parts was good...

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