Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sleep Disorders

Good Sleep Wakes Up Memory
Besides helping you feel well-rested, getting your zzz's may also sharpen your memory, a new study shows.
Researchers found that sleep not only protects memories from outside interferences, it also helps strengthen them.
"There was a very large benefit of sleep for memory consolidation, even larger than we were anticipating," said study author Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen, an associate neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, and a postdoctoral fellow in sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School.
In the study, the researchers focused on sleep's impact on "declarative" memories, which are related to specific facts, episodes and events.
to be continued.......... !~!
Read entire about this : -
**maybe it may helps you to understand or read if you have problem with sleeping well or suffer insomina or else.**
I once had suffered insomina but now I am getting abit better now.
No harm of being curious to read this. Think of your health is more important.

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