Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Today is the celebration of Mother's Day but I normally do not hold dinner on that day. As I know that every restaurants will be crazy fully booked or may end up queue up for table. No thanks and I do not want to bring troublesome or hassle to my mother.

So I came up with idea to have double celebration with her as her birthday also falls on 31st May. Never expect this day is the public holiday of Vesak Day, alamak. Then unable to wish her Mother's Day, I bought a new Gucci Envy Me perfume for her. She loves it much.

Not only this, my dear nephew also whole birthday on 31st May same as my mother. Surprised?? Actually, my mother was very happy to know when newphew born on same day as her.

Then when I opened message and saw one surprise sms from Dr. Victor (he is my long time friend). Guess what he said to me ?

"Mother's Day to me" sms sent by him.

Then I do not dare to reply him back and jut wait to think.

I wondered if he sent wrong sms to me or not. How can I am being wished for mother's day and could not bring myself to laugh till like this. Actually, I admit to say that I am too young to be mother at my own heart lah.

What is a funny sms he sent to me?


Then again, I am happy that Manchester United is the champion of EPL 2006 / 2007 but hopefully MU do well for FA Cup which will play on 19th May 2007.

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