Thursday, January 11, 2007

Part B - Farewell Party Friends Album

This is the Part B - Farewell Party Friends Album seperately from other Part C - Chio & Couple hunters.

Those photos are kinda of funny & interesting to see and extremely nice to remember some laughters.

But I am little upset that some of them I even cannot / dont know their names well .. I am not the type to remember all people names prefectly. Because I failed Secondary 2 History papers for one whole year before I was channelled to Secondary 3 stream (Geography & Principle Of Accounts class)in my school last time. *tap on my forehead...hahahaha....*

At least you sure know who is those people in every photos... wisdom words always say : A photo do tells you a thousand words. I have been heard this from my friends few times already.

**p/s : Part C Chio & Couple Hunters Photos will be blog here soon....... i like those funny photos to get some more laughters....**

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