Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Day of Farewell Party to remember...

On 7th January 2007 (Sunday), there was a farewell party for Terry and Benny at The Rice Table (Indonesian Restaurant), Cappua Plaza together with their colleagues.

The look of the entrance of this restaurant.
I was taking every meaningful and funny photos to remember.

Three tables were fully occupied and they were busy to find where they wanted to sit.

Busy talking or eating snacks or walking around or taking phtos...

Finally everybody were present and firstly I took picture of this group table.

Men in a row.

Other side of same table.

Other second table group.

Smile in a row.... :)

Other side of second table group.

This is the last third table group.

This was the 3rd attempt of taking this photo.

Other side of third table group.

Together with Terry and Benny.

Tried to take this picture when xiaojun was taking photo of them.

Great !~!
Everybody were enjoying themselves and had fun taking photos together and chatting happily....
This was an unforgetful day.....

*p/s.. that is not ending yet... still got somemore photos which I have not blog.*
When I am free, then the next I will blog with "best chio bu & loving couple & friends" hunter......

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