Wednesday, November 01, 2006

First Pose Discovery ! ~ !

I dragged my dear to take my first discovery to take few poses of him at Hotel Rendezvous near Lobby Bar.

It has a unique sight and interior design enough to take some precious mintues to take pictures somewhere within. I found my dear so damn funny when I took some poses of him, he kept saying "hurry up.. i am not model.. people are looking at us now. "
Then I said "come on.. dun have to feel shy.. ignore people lor..."

Finally he took sometime to remain courage to stand few poses, hahaha.... see few pcitures below.

I told him not to look at digit camera. Just acting like he was looking at somewhere else. But he started to laugh and could not take it.

So I decided to take this pose so that he would not laugh... he is hard to crack lor.. Sometimes, I moved few furthers to take different poses...

Actually got alot poses in my file but rather not put too much pictures... 3 is enough to blog here.

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