Thursday, November 23, 2006

Photos at Raffles Town Club - 22/11/2006

Yesterday on 22nd November 2006 was the wedding dinner of groom and bride, Heng Peng Yong and Chia Joo Yi. Really shocked to see Joo Yi looked so beautiful in red grown on her wedding dinner. But actually red color is good for Autumn / Fall ... most shops selling red tops for A/F collection also. None of brides will dare to wear red color in grown for dinner. Most of brides will choose some common colors grown like blue or pink or purple or brown.

Joo Yi and Peng Yong

Table 40 - friends / colleagues of Peng Yong side.

Happy ARMY boys.. shall i say brotherhood.........

Another Happy Boys....... oh
*terry looked shy to be taken photos.*
*Jason, what you are looking at?* Looking for gold bar from Terry pocket.... haha

Another Army boys....
*flare..see you are so damn cool to sit like this...u funny..!*
*Again.. Jason, where are you looking at? not looking at camera.. shy is it ?*

first attempt ......
XiaoJun and I were holding the camera together to take pic at ourselves.

second attempt.....
too close up... so we tried again.....
*tap my forehead*... i really hate my front teeth - look like rabbit lor.. I am too afraid of pain if go for brace.. ;"(

3rd attempt... finally got benny to take picture for us...
*see.. funny darren popped in his head prefectly at upper right corner... *

Finally the last attempt.. Prefect photo taken...
*Very surprised to see XiaoJun put on nice make up on her face..*
*You looked really nice with make up, XJ.*

Whoa.. never expect to see Jason and Benny were wearing the same designs but different color based.... poor them as they were teased so badly..
*I am very bad at remembering his name as it is chinese name....*
*Qiauyw (sorry if i cant spell it correctly) and Darren ..say cheesez......* haha

Finally ... nice smile.... Looked abit same more like brothers.

*Benson looked red on his face... not sure if he was drunk on that day...*
Beng and his girl looked nice.... er... beng looked sleeping..he drank too much wines...

Raffles Town Club - Dunearn Ballroom Level 1

Took this mini wedding bells gift to ring sound to end the day of wedding dinner.......
Very cute bells...the sliver round box inside was the couple keys.. forget to take out...

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