Prefer this fresh corn to preserved corn canned. Just put fresh corn into boiling pot till it becomes soft. Also can use streaming container if you prefer. Once it became soft, more easier to cut corn like this.
The following items: carrot x 1 half, broccoil x 1 medium whole, lean light pork (enough to fill the small bowl), fresh corn, carbonara and spaghetti (just take out half portion).
Instant spaghetti had to boil till it became soft. Sure you know how to cook spaghetti in many ways..probably better than me.. hehe... Just nice portion of spaghetti to fit the plate.
Quite easy and fast spaghetti cooking. Just cook light lean pork first till it is fully cooked. Then the next to broccoil and carrot and corn to mix cooked altogether.
I just simply love to eat low-fat and prefer more to eat spaghetti include with broccoil. One day I will try to cook beef spaghetti even I dont know how to cook beef. But just give it a try next time, ya.
hmhm.. yr dear is so lucky as you can cook everything for him. yummy indeed........................
actually he can cook too, only when he is free, ya. hehe..thanks
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