Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another 3kg Gained

Clinic staff at Dr T.B Lim said I gained 3kg for May 2007. Pre-pregnancy - my weight was at healthy 57kg. Only then from March - April 2007, shot up to 60kg which was checked at clinic during my first visit gynae on April 07. I think that probably my weight may reach 70 - 72kg at full pregnancy period. *sweating*

It is true enough even my wedding ring is already too tight on my finger - my gained weight proved truth.

Trying to take out my wedding ring abit further and saw the red patch on my finger. I didnt put water or soap on it to remove ring. Just take it out slowly by adjustment.

Then I showed it to my hubby and he said too tight already because of my increased weight of pregnancy like this. Even he assured me that I will sure lose weight in no time after I give birth baby in November 2007. I said yeah - sure go for running & swimming to slim down to same weight as before.

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