Wednesday, December 27, 2006

For those 2 days ...

On 24th December 2006, my dear asked me what I wanted for dinner. So I started to rock my thinking to avoid any disadvantage and told him to have dinner at Food Centre, East Coast Park. Then in end he looked at me and asked me "ARE YOU SURE? darling". He thought that I wanted to have nice dinner at nice restaurant or posh dine in some expensive restaurants.

So I said to him that every restaurants are not worth to be spent on dinner for just christmas eve or christmas day. In end we got to wait queuing up to take seats. Plus somemore it was raining too. At very least I did not expect much everything. Why bother to waste money on nice christmas eve and christmas day dinner over $100 ++ to $200++ for only barely 2 - 3 hours ? Dont think it is worth christmas celebration for dinner only.
Then in end, he agreed with me finally.

On 25th December 2006, we had breakfast at Ah Mei Cafe, EastPoint Mall (Simei) then I went to see doctor for my flever and flu. After that, he sent me to my mother's home in yishun to rest & sleep as he got to go campus for while then attended Colin's christmas home party. After that, we went to Causeway Point to have dinner at pastamania. Then finally we headed home. Good thing, we did not go Orchard Road.

Only smart people will NEVER go Orchard Road where was so 100% fully crowded with bangalas or ah beng with foam sprays which was not allowed using in Singapore. Now as the result, few people were reported for being robbed or molested with foam sprays or else...

We had the best beef kway teow soup noodle at East Coast Park Food Centre.

I started fell in love with eating beef noodle and grew dislike eating chicken already.

Recommend you all to try this beef kway teow noodle if you have time to go there.

Sercetly taken this picture for you all to go there to find this stall to try the best LAGOON LENG KEE BEEF KWAY TEOW noodle at East Coast Park Food Centre.

Surely that you will love this food if you try.

I will go there again to eat same noodle from same stall if I go running at ECP with my dear every weekends.

Poor him as he was the most busy receiver to receive many many greetings sms from his colleagues, friends and army friends from 23rd December 2006 to 25th December 2006.

Truth as I saw his hp full messages and vibrations keep ringing non - stop. Also he showed me his hp that the number of sms greeted him more than 20 - 25 sms. *_*" (sweating....)

Kinda trying to look different..

Dont want to show our common boring faces here the most of time.

At least I made the first new attempt pose here. *smile*

We ordered this satay bee hoon after we finished eating the best beef kway teow noodle..

Actually on that day of christmas eve, there was raining but not so heavy one.

Fortunately, not so crowd at Food centre, East Coast Park so we enjoyed eating there and felt breeze coldly there.

We went to Coffee Bean, East Coast park to have cafe latte together and exchanged xmas presents each other.

*paiseh* ....

My nose got red as I was down with fever and flu, still I went out to East Coast Park to have dinner then Coffee Bean at ECP together with my dear on christmas eve.

Took picture of SK-II products with me...
Admitted to say that branded products is the most expensive and wont use it often. Kinda heart pain double again......

I will only use them once or twice a week if neccessary. Kinda scare later my face skin goes wrong if use them... becoz I never believe in facial or products advertisement but seeing Sammi Cheung still using this product still.

** Sammi Cheung is my long time fashion & beauty idol.....**

Very shocked to see this SK-II products when I opened it and knew that it is the most expensive present.

But I am not sure of how to use it as the product steps is seemed not so easy as I think.

I am ALWAYS LOYAL of being use Olay Moisture and LOREAL make up since I was only 17 - 18 years old.

Realised that it was not easy to choose tie for my dear...becoz there are alot alot....different designed ties to see if can match or not..

Based on my observation and confidence, decided to give myself a try.

Managed to choose 2 nice ties after looking at every ties designed for almost one hour.. kinda stress to me, of course.

Lucky, he liked both.

But...never expected was that one of his friend also gave him same tie box from same men department at takashiaya where I bought tie for him too.

Lucky, different designed & color surface ties.

What is such a surprising ????

Unlucky of me falling sick on christmas eve 24th Dec 2006 and went to see doctor for medicine at Simei clinic on 25th Dec 2006.

Guess how much is the cost of those medicine... kinda of heart pain to see this price to pay...

Total medicine I paid $62.50, my gosh lor...

But what happened to the next day...surprised that I fully recovered after eaten medicine. Medicine from Dr. Chua Clinic is really 100% effective.

I really hate those public holiday such as christmas day or christmas eve or else.. make this tiny country fully crowd everywhere...

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