Friday, September 22, 2006

Shocking Price of The Psychology Trading

On 20th September 2006, my hubby (Benny) wanted to go out to Orchard Road as he have not go there for long time. Yeah he is very very busy man with his own stuffs to his dream. Then I finally took him out to Orchard Road.

We were talking about the current affair in Thailand. I was very very disappointed with the current situation in Thailand now due to coup between PM Thaksin and army mililarty. But hopefully things in Thailand will be fine and peaceful again. Cannot say that I love & support Thailand or else the SG government will kick me out. ops.. haha just kidding.. Just that I love travelling to Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea and New York to see many new things to my explore learning life. No thanks to China or Indonesia or Philippines. ;((

Then we went to Borders BookShop at Wheelock Plaza after dinner. I rushed to newspaper situation to grab some news information about Thailand situation. While for benny - he went to usual same section he always look for - Finance or Business or Self - enrichment sections to look for books.

He chose this book and showed me. This book is fully about the trading and finance freedom. Whenever we go bookshop everywhere, he never stop buying books. My mainly worry is that the room will become just like National Library as he has many books on shelf than my books. Still I NEVER stop him buying books because he loves reading books since young.

See this book is not bad and it is just hit the new arrival section. But my brain is not on all trading or stock or share market... I am more passion into my fashion business market that I am currently doing now.

This book cover looks very excellent and everything is about the success of trading and sercet taught method inside written on book.

Nice overall PSYCHOLOGY OF TRADING book with mixed blue and shade blue with picture of office furniture. Then he asked me to guess how much is this book. I looked at this book and said it must be about $40plus.

He kept laughing at me and shaking his head at me. Then I said about $49.90. He said no till he showed me the price label... very shocking and I nearly fainted after see this figure price. See...

. $50 plus.. NO !~!

. $60 plus..... NONO !~!

. $70 plus .... NO NO NO !~!

. $80 plus..... NO NO NO NO !~!




This books cost nearly $100 buck... See this label price... It is true. I do not change or remove price label. See picture prove...

In my entire life, I never buy such book costs nearly to $100 buck. Mostly I bought books from internet or borrow books from National Library. I do not want to keep too many books.

But to him, he is rare different from me. He said why he chose this book. See his reason saying was that this book is more useful and it enable to boost his power thinking on trading to success his dream and his long term love passion on trading & share market. You see that Benny has some lines on his forehead and near his eyes side. He has become more wiser & maturer after reading many books about Investment, Finance anaylst, Warren Buffeut, George Soros, Trading, Stock Investing & Market and many more.

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