Friday, March 09, 2007

His Relatives Side

Yesterday my dear asked me to go with him to meet his big and small aunties together for lunch. When I heard this, I had a little frightened and did not know what to do. And then I was trying to tell him that I did not want to go but no choice :((

**When I was young, I disliked to go out with relatives & family together for lunch or dinner together and trying to excuse myself to play or sit somewhere.**

So we went to Tampines area to fetch 2 aunties to East Point mall at Simei for lunch together and I tried very very ....hard to smile and communicate with them. I not sure if they barely understand the basic of english. Nevermind about this seriously, I just said HI to them and they also said this to me. Also the big auntie was shocked to see me so tall and asked me how tall I am. I mentioned 1.70cm and she laughed so sweety to say she is 1.75cm. Learnt that she is baby sitter.

Ahead to restaurant at east point mall, sorry i forget the name of this...... we ate together and my dear talked to them while I just sat down silently to watch them. Poor my dear had to be interpreter to me what aunties wanted to ask me or talked to me. They said that my dear was very naughty when he was young. I knew this already long ago yet he claimed he was good boy in the past, hahahahaha.... He was told to be true to me and or else it is hard to find good girl like me like this ah... I laughed at him.

After that we went to my dear's cousin, Elaine at her home, simei which is so so so near to my home, alamak.. surprised indeed. Also visited her cute & fashion baby girl, Chloe barely 2 months old. Guess what I saw - Elaine colored abit to Chloe's hair brown copper and also wore pink baby tee with words said "My rock mummy". So so sooooooo cute... I bought Elaine a big set of baby sheet for Chloe.

We all chatted together and talked and joked laughs together for almost 3 hours then we came to our home to visit. Elaine and small auntie could not believe that I am doing clothes business despite of my current disadvantage condition. They have seen alot of pretty & nice clothes and wanted to try them. Funny.. look at small aunt dared to wear them. It amazed me... Nice... Poor small auntie that she liked this pretty art mod vintage blue dress but it could not fit her and too sexy for her auntie age. Yet she said dont care and wanted to wear this. hahahaha... We all laughed at her so funny to talk like this.

Till 7pm, my dear sent them home and I rushed to prepare dinner to cook. before that, I watched channel 8 - central affair part 2 which is the best HK drama. Thanks god that everything went smoothly, ya.... :))

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