Saturday, March 24, 2007

U N E X P E C T E D... ...

So long already and have not write anything here.....those days has been happened to me and got to accpet this fate. Yeah I do admit that it was too suddenly and everything was not prepared for this. I also not planned for this to become as one....

Been faced alot of stress and upset....even I was told to be happy to know that I am p........

Even many things I cannot do this and that.... also cannot eat this and that.... especially japanese food such as sushi or salmon...

Also cannot eat curry fish or curry chicken or carrot or blah.... I am gonna to miss them for 9-10 months lor.. I cannot wait longer...

It has been about 2 weeks already.. I have learnt to accpet it and start to prepare things to get ready before this newly will entre this world. *sweating* Poor my dear cannot do housework well and I cannot do such as moving things at home and cannot do heavy works.

My heart is going to feel very pain and been feel alot of helpless... really did not know what to do with this and that... Gonna to learn abit and abit slowly... sigh...

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